Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Maybe I'm suffering insomnia. Maybe just maybe.
I have never before in my whole seventeen years of life been in so much difficulty just to fall asleep. I'm having troubles sleeping lately and it's fucking annoying.
Missed out so much because I wake up so late. Can't hang out with friends, can't do so many things.
It's driving me nuts.
Today is one of those days where I can at least sleep a bit longer. I woke up around 12 this afternoon and slept again until my friend called. Aish, I feel really really bad you know.
It'll probably be the last time I saw him for this year but I can't go hang out today because I'm still half-asleep.
Oh yeah, I'll probably start working shortly though I still can't be sure. I'll have to ask my daddy first.
No more sleeping so late. No more damaging my eyes all day.
Short post this is, I'm going back to sleep.
