Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Almost Easy

My bloody alarm rang at 10 in the freaking morning today and I wondered as I tried to haul my lazy ass off the bed, since when did I set an alarm to ring in 10 in the morning on a freaking holiday? Then it hit me straight away, oh my effing god, today is the second death anniversary of James Owen Sullivan, or The Reverend Tholomew Plague or The Rev.
Kinda sadden me you know. I really regret that time when Avenged Sevenfold came to Jakarta on one of their tours and I missed that. I begged and begged but my parents apparently think that going to Jakarta and a hard rock concert alone equal to suicide mission.In their mind, a rock concert is full of topless people who dyed and styled their hair with punk styles and huge bikes. Not really, you know. I mean, not all of rockaholics had that kind of look, I don't. But I somehow understand their position, they just don't want me getting in danger, but! I can take care of myself, hopefully. And not be stupid enough to get caught on a pit circle. Google up pit circle if you had no idea what it is.
Now, I think back and kinda feel remorse you know. If only I had begged harder, if only I can convince them.
Back then I would be able to watch them as a band, the real band they started as. No offense to Mike Portnoy, he is one of the greatest drummers alive, ex-drummer of Dream Theater, for your information. But still, can't really match up to The Rev you know :'(

Come back The Rev, it's almost easy. Gone but never forgotten. I hope you start your own bat country in the afterlife, complete with the beast and the harlot :')


Saturday, December 24, 2011

You'll Find Yourself Floating Home

Okay. Pissed off.
First, of all the many things I hated, being called stupid is one of them. I might not be the brightest crayon in the box but the thing is, are you bright enough to call other people stupid? There is no one smart enough to call other people stupid. And gah! That really ticks me. Been through a lot of fights just because of this. I don't care if you're joking, well except if you're a very close friend, I still think it's very rude and inappropriate to say such things to someone.
And also, it's coming from someone who I barely knew, well he is only joking, maybe. But damn, it offended me. The only person who is allowed to call me stupid is myself. Only me.
Man, if I don't reply to your chats, might have been one of the following :
1. I'm very busy
2. I'm very lazy
3. You're very annoying
4. I hate you
5. You offended me
Use that dead-weight on your head, you usually refer to as a brain. Thank you very much for not bothering me again.


Friday, December 23, 2011


First day of holiday! Yeah! Went to Sun today with the usual people. So much fun, talked about so many things \m/ Definitely must do it again! Unfortunately, Achen wasn't here to join us. Although he did join us yesterday at MBox, screaming our lungs out. the most memorable thing is probably when Ferdy sang Agnes Monica's Matahariku. The part when she goes "oohhh ohhh", he was really ... wild. The screamings were out of this world, baby. Lol.
We also went to Matador even if it was only for a short while. Really really great day.

About our inauguration party, okay, that really made me frustrated. But, we can pull it through. Hopefully.
So, sorry for the short post, gotta run.


Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Holy Jolly Holiday

Hey! We got a day off today *cheers*
But we have to subjects due for test tomorrow. Which I haven't even touched at all.
Oh well, you're not here to read how bad I did and will do in my tests right?

Okay, since I got nothing else to post, and als I figured you must all be getting tired of my Cobus fever, I am going to post about the kind of boys I like. Lol. So corny and cheesy.

First off. He has to be taller than me! Not going for the short cute guys. Although we might work on cute. Lol. But really, has to be tall.

Secondly, not thin. I hate thin guys! They look so weak, like one of their hands is gonna fall of their hinges or something or like he's gonna fly away if the wind blew hard enough. Especially if they're a little hunched -.-

Third. Funny. Everyone loves a funny guy. Imagine that when you have problems, and then your boyfriend adds to the fray with his pessimism. Do you need another drama in your life?

Fourth and one of the most important things of all. Sports. I love sports, I mean, I love watching sports and I want to have a boy who I can talk about sports to. Also, football allegiance. For some, it might not mean anything. But, football allegiance ain't like clothes. You can't just change it in that instant if someone told you they don't suit you. And also those who watch football have a deep feeling of loyalty to the team they supported, so I don't think it will be fun if you know, he hates my team then every single time my team played, we will fight. I support Manchester United and I wanted someone who is in the same page as I do.

Fifth, also one of the most important stuffs. Music taste. Up until now, the only people with the same music taste as I do that I can find are my brother and a friend. I want to be able to talk about my music stuffs to this guy and really connect. But it might be hard since the bands I listen to are sometimes too metal for others.

Sixth, not being materialistic or anything, but I at least want someone who drives a car. Cause you know, it won't be nice if you're about to go on a date, you're all prepped up, nice and pretty, then you have to put on helmet and ride on a bike. Uh-huh. Not nice at all.

Seventh, I don't need him to be ultra handsome, but be at least, average.

Eighth, he needs to get my mother, brother and friends approval. Not counting in my father since he doesn't want me to be in a relationship.

So, this is probably the eight things that I look for in a guy. Up until now, the guys that really matched up to these criterias, not counting in football allegiance are Zacky Vengeance, Synsyter Gates and Cobus Potgieter.
Not really fair because Zacky and Syn are members of my favorite band so, they must have the same music taste as I am. But yeah, Cobus rocks! \m/


Saturday, December 17, 2011


Okay! So I will be dedicating this post to Avenged Sevenfold since they're my favorite band EVAR! Lol.
Avenged Sevenfold is an American heavymetal rock band, formed in Huntington Beach, California in 1999, first appeared as a metalcore band with first album Sounding the Seventh Trumpet but evolved into a hard rock/heavymetal in their third album and the following. The name was a reference to the Book of Genesis from The Bible, although they are not a religious band.

So, Matthew Charles Sanders, stage name M.Shadows, lead vocalist. Born in Huntington Beach, California July 31, 1981. Founder of Avenged Sevenfold and was the one who suggested the band name. He was in a Catholic school when he was younger, therefore making him familiar with the Bible and a lot of their songs and albums were titled from the pages of Bible. He played piano when he was younger but took interest on guitar and rock musics instead, although he is still capable of plating the piano now. Rumors began to spread that Shadows has lost his ability to scream since his throat surgery during Warped Tour 2003 because their records' vocal changed from heavy metalcore screaming into a much more defined vocal. But their producer put down those rumors by saying "When I met the band after Sounding the Seventh Trumpet...Matt handed me the CD, and he said to me, 'This record's screaming. The record we want to going to be half-screaming and half-singing. I don't want to scream anymore...the record after that is going to be all singing.'".

Brian Elwin Haner, Jr better known as Synyster Gates or Syn, lead guitarist. Born in Huntington Beach, California July 7,1981. He studied at the Musicians Institute in Hollywood as part of the Guitar Institute of Technology program, studying jazz and classical guitar. After a year or so of being there, he got a phone call from The Rev asking him if he wanted to join his band, as lead guitarist. Brian joined rather than continuing his education and becoming a studio musician. Up until that time he was primarily self-taught by watching music videos and reading books. He won numerous awards for his epic guitar skills. I really really loved his smile, and his guitar skills always makes me melt.

Zachary James Baker or Zacky Vengeance, rhythm guitarist. Born in Huntington Beach, California December 11, 1981. He taught himself how to play guitar and said that he took on Vengeance as his stage name for getting back at the people from his youth who doubted his potential. He also came up with the stage name of Johnny Christ for Jonathan Seward and the abbreviation A7X. Despite playing the guitar left handed (he is ambidextrous), Vengeance recalls the first guitar he learned to play on was actually a right-handed his parents had bought him for his thirteenth birthday. He learned by playing upside-down, watching his favorite bands and other people he knew who played, and practiced as much as he could. He would also read each edition of Guitar World cover to cover, learning the tabs of the songs published there and watching the professionals perform them until he could play just as well. He had a clothing line called Vengeance University and he has gorgeous eyes! It's a mixture of colors and it's just ... well, awesome.

Jonathan Lewis Seward, or Johnny Christ. Born in Huntington Beach, California November 18 1984. Johnny could pick up on the pace of a song that he did not know quite quickly and proved to be a very unique bass guitarist. "I don't think any one out there could pick up a bass line as quick as Johnny" were the words from The Rev. About the Christ in his name he said "That sounds... really ballsy. Everyone's gonna hate that, so... I should definitely go with that."

James Owen Sullivan or The Reverend Tholomew Plague shortened as The Rev. Born in Huntington Beach, California February 9,1981. He got his first pair of drum stick at the age of four and his own drum set at eleven. Sullivan's signature ability which he called "the double-ride thing, just for lack of a better definition, because no one does it, is a technique that can be heard on tracks such as "Almost Easy", "Critical Acclaim", and "Crossroads" in which Sullivan doubles up at a fast tempo between the double bass and ride cymbals.
The Rev was also a vocalist, songwriter, and pianist for Avenged Sevenfold. His piano-playing can be heard on the tracks "Warmness on the Soul", "Seize the Day", "Fiction" and "Save Me".

Jimmy's body was found in his home on December 28, 2009 at the age of 28.His death was reported as due to natural causes. The results of the autopsy performed on December 30, 2009, however, were inconclusive.On June 9, 2010, the cause of death was revealed to have been an acute polydrug intoxication due to combined effects of oxycodone (OxyContin), oxymorphone (a metabolite of oxycodone), diazepam (Valium), nordiazepam (a metabolite of diazepam) and alcohol. Cardiomegaly (enlarged heart) was reported as a "significant condition" that may have played a role in the death.
On January 5, 2010, a private funeral was held for Sullivan, and a day later he was buried in Huntington Beach, California.Avenged Sevenfold dedicated their fifth album, Nightmare, to Jimmy.

So, that's it.


Grand Theft Autumn

I don't know why I almost always titled my post with song titles. Maybe I lacked the creativity to make decent title. Oh well.
Anyway! Today sucked as well. Late to school, almost 11 o'clock when I arrived. Took the test in ADM office and was unable to wroite down the answers to my friends. Have been regretting and feeling bad the whole time. Sorry, dudes :( Oh, you're all ladies, so dudettes? Haha. Anyway, sorry.
Spent time watching Cobus' drum covers again today. Have known him for a couple years already, loved him since I watched his cover of Avenged Sevenfold's Afterlife. EPICNESS! Watch the cover here
But was addicted to him a few days ago, when I watched his cover of 30 Seconds to Mars' Kings and Queens. Great song anyway, and he looks really cool there! The cover was made in Summa Hills, Canada. Check it out here
And also, re-watching videos of Avenged Sevenfold again. Their So Far Away song really rocks you know, I find it really applicable to my life. The lyrics showed how much the band has grown and matured from Jimmy's death, and their tribute to a bandmate, a bestfriend, a brother. Synyster Gates has really outdone himself with this song.
Okay, got to go.


Thursday, December 15, 2011

Progress and Regress

It's the second day of exam and it still sucks. Cloud over my head and it rained on the exam, so yeah, you know how that feels.
Okay, so in today's post I would like to talk about the progress we made and the regress.

You know, when I was a kid, I never thought that I need my parents. I always had a mindset that I can live alone without depending on them, I just need the money from them. It's a progress of mind, I think. For a kid, to think like an adult, an independent adult. I figured that way of thinking came from the bitterness in me, seeing as my parents seemingly love my brother more than me. I'd admit, I got treated unfairly when I was a kid. When I got a sixty or below scores, my father would yell and hit me, if my brother got that score, my parents would talk to him and give him another chance. If I got seventy, it would be a lot of yelling, my brother, nothing, like it's usual. If it's eighty, my father would say, "You didn't study did you? Only eighty? Just what the hell have you been doing all this time?". My brother? He got a praise, my father would say, "Keep it up, okay?"

Even ninety is never good enough for my father. He wanted straight hundreds for my report cards, and I always try to give him the very best of me. So I guess that set me the way I am now, always thriving for the best. My brother on the other hand, is really too laid back. I am very relaxed too before exam comes but when it came, I studied my brains out. Many people thought that I cheated for exam to get the scores I have, but really, people? I don't cheat. I never cheated during an exam, well except for tests held in classes. Those scores are purely my hard works.

So, back to the topic. Back then, I always thought that I don't need to depend on anyone to live my life. But then again, as we grow, mindset changes. As I grow up, I realize that my parents are getting older, weaker. And you know, when realization dawns on you that your parents won't always be able to be there for you, damn, that hurts. Back then I thought that my parents will always be there for me to turn to when I'm sad, or in a problem. But to realize that they can't, it's painful.

It's painful to think that one day when you get home, no one will be there waiting for you again, to cook for you, prepare everything, to see your scores, how you do at school. I always had this question in my mind before I sleep, "Will tomorrow be as good as today? Will I be able to see my parents and brother again tomorrow?" Right now, is the regress of the mind, you realize you actually can't live without them, I'm an adolescent, nearly an adult, thinking like a kid again. Not wanting to let go of today as we don't know what tomorrow woud bring.

But then, we have to learn to cope with the numbing pain. It'll grow dull and numb when time comes, but now, it's still fresh and it hurts. When you move on with your life again, it's a progress again.

Every time I see how much my parents have changed from when I'm a kid, a painful strike hit my heart. They did grow old, and one day, gosh, I don't want to think about it. Brings tears to my eyes every time I think about it.
Okay, I tend to ramble and will be reduced to a bundle of tears if I kept on writing. So, love your parents right and learn to cherish each and every day you had with them. It's precious.



Hi! It's first day of my last semester exam and it sucks. I don't know how many faults I made but I think it's a lot. Okay, and also, today I had no idea what the fucking hell just happened to im3's server cause ever since 11 pm my signal has been GSM and GSM. I wanted to check whether my monthly gaul has ended or not, so I dialed *889# and on the screen "Supplementary service error : System failure." One word, Fuck.
And I tried calling 100, it said "No circuit/channel available." Shit.
Urgh! So fucking pissed off. The urge to kill something is almost unbearable!
So I went to youtube, refreshing my mind.
On the brighter side, I found lots of great videos here.
Ray William Johnson just uploaded his newest video check him out guys! He's my favorite youtube comedian :D
Also, been looking at old videos of Avenged Sevenfold, the best band ever! Here's their channel right here
Watched them again and again. Cried again watching the So Far Away video. RIP The Rev, never forgotten foREVer :'( It's his death anniversary again soon, I always dreaded this day every year. Couldn't believe he's gone, man. So much talent wasted D:
Also, check out Cobus Potgieter's channel, he's hands down awesome! Really really should take a look at his videos, and for me, he's very good looking too ;;)

So anyway, I think that's all. Don't forget to subscribe to those three above.


Friday, December 9, 2011


I bet it sucks to be you. Lol. You know honey, cowardice and bitchiness won't get you far in this world.
If I was in an argument with someone, never will I delete or remove them from my social network. I mean, gosh, we write things there for people to read, right? But I won't open their timeline/profile or whatever cause, what's the point? It's useless and a waste of time. But people have this curious side of them, they just have to know what people think of them. I don't. I don't give a damn because reading their tweets/statuses will make them even more pig-headed.
For me, I tweet, update and post whatever I want. Don't like, don't read. Well, I don't wake up everyday and made these accounts to impress you.
I will never ever lock my blog. It's open for public and if I want to write about someone, I will do it. It's my own rights cause it's my blog and well, you know how it works. I think, locking your blog, removing someone from your facebook or blocking someone from your twitter is an act of cowardice and it means you admit losing.
I won't. Have to much pride in me for that. Lol :D



Hi, just saw the news about an Indonesian scholar in Singapore stabbed to death while visiting his families in Jakarta, Indonesia.
I didn't know him but my feeling goes for him, his families and friends. Gone at such young age, it's just too sad. From what I read, he's a brilliant student, won a gold medal in Mathematics Olympic in Singapore. And also a formidable athlete, he also won gold in NAPFA.
For me, I don't know what happened that made him got stabbed like that, maybe it was robbery or whatever but really, those people are so brainless.

Deepest condolences, Christopher Melky Tanujaya. Rest in Peace there :)

Read the whole post Here


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Okay. I'm scared. Freaking terrified.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Coins and Pennies

Hello! It’s a great great day. Today me and my friends did a concert on lunch break. We sang lots of songs, including Jay Chou’s, Eminem’s. It was ultimately hilarious and fun! I think our classmates rather liked our voices, or perhaps were too stunned to speak. Lol!

I am very grateful that I am still in the same class as them, and we got to be friends, you know. Friendship is really precious. Once severed can never be tied back together. And I love it, you know, being friends with these people, laughing all day, enjoying our times cause when it all ends, we knew we can never be like this again.

You know, it was a blessing that we got to know someone’s real face when something went wrong and I’m so very much thankful when God gave us that moment. When the shit goes down and sides are taken, you find out who’s real and who’s faking, cause some friends are very much like pennies, two-faced and worthless :D

Don’t misunderstand the situation, honey. People always say that you know your friend when you did something wrong, but that’s not true. From my experience, you’ll only know your friend’s true face when you’re arguing, when there’s problem inside your tiny little cycle of friends. That’s the time when sides are taken, and true faces revealed. Oh, trust me. Been there, done that.

Me? Jealous of you? Ooh honey, bless your heart. And brain.

Frankly, I think you’re just bitter cause many people would rather sit and talk to me than you. I actually got lots of friends, not just a handful and I’m not hated everywhere I go, unlike some people I know *wink wink*

Did you know that many many people hated them? And trust me when I said many. Cause everywhere I go people would say, “Oh, you’re in the same class as her? Pity you! I really hate her you know. Her face looks like crap. And her friend too! That one who always act so kreak.

Even her ex’s friends, they all hate her. They’re always like, “How come X fell in love with her? What did he see in her? Thank god, they broke up.” See? You can ask around honey, or maybe you can just peel your eyes wider and open your ears, perhaps you’ll hear whispers of hatred everywhere you go in this school.

Oh and please honey, don’t bring your outside attitude in, it’s so disgraceful. Please, save a little bit of what tiny bits of dignity you got left. You’re so cheap! I was wondering if you’re on an all seasons sale. Boys hate that. They like to feel dominant, like a sense of conquering a girl’s heart, not having a girl going all Spartan on them and chasing them everywhere.

I’m not saying you’re a slut. I merely indicated that your “private parts” were more like “public parts”, or maybe if they have passwords, it will be “1234”.

I’m not rude. I’m just not programmed to politely pretend to be nice to people I don’t like.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

I Am The Best

I Am The Best by 2ne1 is really the best! Download ASAP. Here's the link I Am The Best
This is the English translation for the song :

I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
Th-th-the Best
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Oh my god
Whoever looks at me can see I’m kind of a killer
This body is second to no one
You’re following behind me but
I’m only running forward
I jump on top of the table you’re sitting at
I don’t care
If you touch me you won’t be able to handle it
I’m hot hot hot hot fire
Before I flip something over
Please can someone stop me
I open my closet and
Put on the freshest outfit
The reflection of my face in the mirror
I carefully check it over
Right now it’s 8
I’m supposed to meet up at 8:30
Tonight I set out with bold steps
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
I am the Best
Th-th-the Best
Whoever looks at me can see I’m kind of fabulous
Even if you were me, you’d be envious of this body
Guys are turning around to look at me
Girls are following me
Being looked down on in the spot
I’m sitting at, every day is tiring
Pretending to be an athlete, this snobby
Clumsy Playa
Like you’re a flat tire
I’ll dump you good for people to see
I refuse to be compared
I’m telling you the truth
If we’re talking about my value, I’m a
Billion dollar baby
People who know a thing or two
They all know it so ask them
Grab anyone and ask them
Who is the best
I am the best
I am the best
I am the best
I am the best
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Who? You are better than me?
No no no no na na na na
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Bam Ratatata Tatatatata
Oh my god

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Heels for Hell

I'm craving for high heels! But I can't walk in one to save my life. I really envied those people who can walk so gracefully while in heels, cause it’s hard. Damn hard.
Reason I've never really worn heels before is probably because I'm pretty damn tall already and I'm, well you can say, ashamed. If I wear heels again, I’ll definitely tower everyone and wellllllll. Besides, it’s not comfy. Flats are comfy and more practical.
But recently, I saw many many many gorgeous heels and I was like, melting before them. I want themmmmmm so bad :(
There’s this girl from Manila, her heels collection is magnificent! Many different models of heels and she has great sense of fashion too, I really really envied her -.- I wanna be like her! A little bit. She had gorgeous curly hair, perfect figure, great style and last but not least, a vast collection of shoes.
I'm learning on how to walk in heels and had pretty much gotten a hang of it, although I still can't stand too long on them cos it hurts and I can't walk on stairs normally. Geez. Such a pain!
II wish we’re all born already knowing how to walk in heels. When I had a daughter, I'm gonna make sure she learned how to master walking in heels since she’s young. I just hope she isn’t as stubborn as I am =.=

Cherrios  ♥

Happy Birthday Brother!

Happy birthday my beloved stupid sometimes annoying brother! May you be blessed with happiness, success and luck for everything you do in this year and the upcoming years—especially academically :D
I got no pictures today, internet connection sucks like hell. Not only the connection, but the modem too! It needs to be held upside down to function, like what the hell? So anyway, that’s the reason I haven’t been blogging this past few days  ._.
My wishes for him are for him to break out of his nasty online game habit and for him to be a better person. Respect our mommy more and listen to her, even if she’s annoying and too talkative sometimes, she wants the best for us. Do well academically so that daddy will be happy. You know he loves it when he came home and we show him our great scores on the report card. Please, do your best so that mommy doesn’t have to go to school to take your report card home again.
And listen to me! Don’t be rebellious when I told you not to this and that this and that. Please be a little smarter, you’re way too naïve -.- Life isn’t like video games you know, it’s not that simple. You need to get rid of your toys and start putting on the big boy’s belt. Be responsible.
You know we love you. I love you! Even if I'm bitchy to you most of time when I’m PMS-ing or not :p Even if I spoke harsh words to you. I just want the best for you anyway. I want you to grow up and be a person we all want to see in the world :)
Last but not least, no girlfriends yet! I’m not ready to share you to anyone just yet :p
Okay, ending this cheesy post here.

Much love ♥