Wednesday, May 9, 2012


Hi, I know it's too freaking late to blog about graduation but shit just hit me now. Pardon my language, using good and proper words to exaggerate has never been a strong suit.
Sometimes reality comes crashing to us, other times it dawns on us slowly despite our best efforts to ignore it. To add to my insanely long list of bad habits, I tend to ignore things or problems that I don't like and can't deal with long enough until it slaps me it the face.
It is, as I said before stupid, naive and cowardly. I'm working on it, trust me, not an easy thing to fix.
You know, I've been thinking, graduation really is a huge milestone in our lifes.
It marks our end in pursuing education and throws us straight at the merciless life. Yes, there is still college but don't you think that college is just like real life but with the formalities?
There is a big important choice waiting for us right at the end of high school.
And for me, nothing and no one is helping me make this decision, instead everyone is just stirring things up and adding to my confusion. I have yet to make a choice, by the way.
And now, I did not mean this post to burden you with my troubles as if you did not have enough dramas in your life already.

But graduation really is a huge thing.
You see, friends as we call them are like coins. Some are valuable and golden while some are merely two-faced and worthless, like pennies.
 And choosing friends are like betting your money in a roulette machine. Purely driven by luck because some masks we just can't unveil until the time comes.
That is why, never get too comfortable in your own shoes. You never know when it's gonna get stepped on. Just because it's new doesn't mean it's better. But new things and sales have always been a super attraction booster, aye?
I like to think that my rotten luck has gone and now, I see my friends as good ones, great even.
And the thing is, I hope that graduation won't take them away from me.
Pre graduation, we still hung out like usual but we are gonna go to different places to take on university.
When we met again after those times, will we still be able to talk idly for hours like we used to? Will we still laugh at stupid things like we were? Will we be like strangers, spouting formalities at each other, work and the weather while we used to be so close?
Ah, the mysteries of life. The change time brings upon us, still nothing prevails until time has chosen to.

You know, reading my blog and other people's blogs I noticed some significant differences.
Firstly, I had absolutely no idea how to customize my blog or make it more interesting. I see many many good pretty blogs and I just steamed with envy.
Secondly, I know and realized I got no writing skills whatsoever. You know, that kind of ability of choosing words and topics to grab people's attentions and not to bore people to death. My blog is so boring. I had ideas, words and sentences in my head but at time when I'm about to write it, my head went blank.
I've read novels and I've met writers who can just make us fly to their imaginary world and absorb us into the stories, that's why I know I possess no such talent.
Thirdly, my choice of words and repetitions. I tend to repeat words and I choose a very commonly used words, not those sophisticated ones that cool bloggers usually used.
Lastly, my English sucks, isn't it? Sorry. I've learned English at a very young age, and textbooks and rules never did apply to me. I learned better English through reading stories, listening to music and watching foreign movies. That's why my English is pretty much conversational rather than using proper grammars, tenses and vocabularies.
There I said it.

Anyway, I watched The Avengers yesterday! Super damn good! Love it. Must watch guys!
Fine, I'm not gonna bore you with my stuffs anymore. I'm out!


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