Tuesday, November 22, 2011

From The Inside

Anyone familiar with the term bestfriends? Everyone had that one friend who understands them, supports them. I have a few too and I feel totally blessed.
The thing is, it's hard to differentiate bestfriends and fake friends. Those fake friends act like they were your bestest friends ever then they stab you in the back. I've seen lots of them, even experienced a few. I know how they're like.
For me, having a bestfriend is like having someone you can talk to about anything, the one you knew would never judge you, would never let you fall on your own, someone you can go insane with. But some people misunderstood the concept of supporting your bestfriend. Sure, as a friend, you can never let your friends fall on their own. You help them back up and move along. But what if they're the one at fault? What if they're the guilty ones? Should you just forget about who's right or wrong and just blindly support your bestfriends?

NO. Being bestfriends doesn't mean that you have to forget about your self-righteousness, your needs and your feelings. You don't need to follow your friends everywhere like a loyal puppy just because you guys are bestfriends. You don't need to put your feelings aside just because your bestfriends don't think the same way. You don't need to be hostile to everyone who isn't in your little cycle of friends. And more importantly you don't have to support and make decisions for your bestfriends all the time!

But I didn't mean to make it seem like when your bestfriend is guilty and she's down because of it, you just leave her. No. You stay by her side, lift her up and lead her to do the right thing. Apologize. Sincerely, from the heart.You don't make her do something that will worsen the situation! Honey, that's just mean.
As a person, you have the right to be neutral in every situation. You don't have to always join in the fray and take a side, especially if it's not your problem. And if your other friends hate you for being neutral, then leave them. They're not friends, they're fakers. A good friend will accept your decision good-heartedly not judge you as untrue and unloyal.
There's still many fish in the sea, you can still find another bestfriend, someone who will accept you for who you are, your decisions and actions.
Also, if you started feeling uncomfortable of your friends' actions or behavior, talk to them right away. Don't procrastinate or worse, you tell your other bestfriends about it and you lot gossip behind their backs. You can tell your other friends but tell them not to judge. Just ask for the opinion and decide on the right time to talk.

That's all from me today :D

Cheerios ♥

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